Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Day 6

Due to work I had to do for university I was able to visit the PrepCom today only for 2,5 hours.
My plan was to attend the official conference after the diplomats lunch time.
In the meantime I decided to go to another NGO meeting. It was organized by the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament ( Parliamentarians from different world regions (Europe, Middle East, East-Asia) presented their work and the efforts (contracts, etc.) they have made in the last years. The meeting was quite interesting but needs acutually no further explanation.

After leaving the meeting i realized that the discussion in the afternoon was unfortunatelly cancelled. I don't know the reasons, but a woman I asked answered me cynically that they probably don't have that much to say...
Nevertheless is took the some printed speeches with me, which were held in the forenoon and read them after university. The last Cluster the diplomats deal with is about the peaceful use of nuclear energy. I wasn't surprised that there is again consensus on the topic. Every state's souverignity  to use and develop nuclear energy for peaceful purpose must be left untouched. There was no printed document of a nuclear energy critical state like Austria or Norway, so I'm looking forward to hear their speeches tomorrow and hope that they will (as Austria did at the beginning of this years PrepCom) adress also the problems as well as the enviromental and humarian consequences of nuclear energy, because none of the speaches I have read today did this. Only the positive aspects were adressed and hence a narrow view on nuclear energy was provided (what is so ecofriendly about fuel rods for example..?). In general Cluster III discussions look more like lobbyistmeetings to me. Also it seems that none of the states have learnt from Fukushima. Every paper I have read is adressing the accident but only in terms of a need for higher security standards. None of the states question nuclear energy in general.
For this reason I'm  glad that I can attend tomorrow's last conferenceday from the beginning and expect, as I said before, to hear more critical statements as well.

On this account, stay tuned and visit our Blog again the next few days!

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